Lucinda Tear’s love of plants began during her work as a wetland ecologist. “As I began to understand how plants create many of the ecological functions and 'services' that humans rely on, I was also becoming interested in alternative healing and reflexology”, Lucinda recalls. “For me and for many people, being in nature is one of the ways that your body can relax, let go of stress, and begin to regenerate. Plants are a big part of what creates that healing environment.”
When she came to live in the Methow, Lucinda was enthralled by the vibrant, healing flora in the Valley and began experimenting with native plants in a variety of herbal products. Some of her invention was bred from necessity: “The air here is very dry, so I became very interested in salves and lotions to help keep my skin from drying up!"
As she explored the local landscape, Lucinda found possibilities for including plants in her products in all sorts of places: perfumes from downed pine branches, moisturizing antiseptics from cottonwood–the possibilities were endless. “Once you become interested in plants it is as if they reach out to you and say, ‘Look what I can do!’”
Lucinda’s Salves contain no essential oils, and so are very subtly scented. Her most popular salves are her All-Purpose Blends, which come in a variety of scents and are used for daily and heavy-duty moisturizing and to help heal scrapes and rashes. She can also create a custom salve to help with your individual needs. For more info, please visit her website www.reflexologyandsalves.com.
You can also find Lucinda's salves at Methow Valley Goods on the TwispWorks campus and also at www.methowvalleygoods.com.