Cultivate Soap Co.

Soapmaking started out as a hobby for Elise Ferguson of Cultivate Soap Co. It started by making her own salves and lotions because she loves natural skin care. Her love of goats and affinity towards them got her thinking about starting her own dairy but realized how much work it was. Elise started getting goat milk from a farm she was working at and the realized how much she loved it and how good it is for your skin. Elise has had dry skin her whole life and once she realized how beneficial it was, she incorporated goat milk into her soap making and it was life changing for her.
Elise uses only organic, plant-based materials such as oils and butters because she’s a big advocate for using natural ingredients. When it comes to coloring, she likes using natural clays, plants and herbs that are beneficial for your skin as well. She also uses cruelty-free ingredients, which means no palm oil which contributes to a lot of deforestation and child labor overseas. Instead, she uses different plant-based materials such as French green clay or spirulina.
 Elise is a Methow Valley local who moved back after Covid-19 affected her employment in Seattle, WA. You can find her lovely soap at Methow Valley Goods in Twisp, WA.